Let's slowly restart again...

Dear Fellow Photographers, Workshop Lovers and Friends,


Let’s not use the omni-present C_word anymore and simply enjoy the fact, that also we at the Fauland Photography School have restarted our Workshop (and soon also the Excursion) program. Just before the COVID-19 shutdown we had two ‘Lost Places’ Workshops in the pipeline that were fully booked. In case anyone of you feel, I am talking about her or him, please get back in touch, so that we can get you back on board. Of course we follow all appropriate rules and measures in order to keep everybody SAFE.

You probably have noticed the new website design. The last two month were spent to browse through all content, clean up, add new works, make the overall structure more clean and check and check and re-check every single bit&byte. I am sure you might find some little bug here or there - Please feel free to let me know.

I am looking very much forward seeing all of you again in person…

#staysafe and #seeyousoon

Peter Fauland

Photographer, Cinematographer, Coach, Art lover.


Night Sky Watching | 26.09.2020


[ L E . C O R B U S I E R ]