Shoot what you love...
Enjoy this rare shot of myself. I do not do selfies - Typically…..
I do work for free! For myself, actually. Not very often - but as often as I can. Why? Let me explain…
In the beginning of my professional Photography career tfp (time for print) was a big thing in many photo communities. You were basically looking for a photo model to shoot and offered him/her some prints in exchange for being your model. No money for nobody involved in this equation. Desperately trying to make some money, I was not a big fan of it.
Early morning drive
Today, I am desperately trying to find more time slots in a busy everyday schedule to commit myself to free projects that are important to me - A way to shoot what I love, feel inspired by or what challenges me. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and the process of developing the final set of images together with my customers. Achieving or overachieving in a commercial environment is great and pushes me everyday.
Walking through wet grass
In difficult times like we are all going through right now, I need some time all by myself and far away from the noise of the city and the daily madness on the phone and in the office. It helps me to calm down and see the big picture again. Are you working to live or living to work? We should remind ourselves about what we really want to achieve in life and what is important to us.
A gentle layer of fog
Wind Turbines on a huge scale first occurred to me during a road trip through California in the early 2000s. For hours and hours of driving they defined the landscape near the highway. A picture I still remember well.
Standing tall
Now, they are also more and more part of the landscape in Germany and other European countries. Despite the problems when they are built too close to urban spaces, I do love the elegant look of those structures, no matter what time of the day or if during winter or summer. Working on a documentation from construction to final maintenance trips of the technical crew would be one of my personal ‘dream projects’.
In case you happen to work for one of those companies or know someone who does - Feel free to let me know.
This happened already to me and for this reason I strongly believe that working on personal projects, creating material you have your heart in, always pays back - in one or another way.
Eyery time I am out in Nature, I meet some friends :-) This time a proud and beautiful deer showed up just a couple of hundred meters in front of me. First, running away but then stopping, turning around and watching me for quite a while. Peace, my friend….
Thanks for following me on this little trip shooting wind turbines during sunrise. Word of the day: ‘Find your project, go out and shoot it’. That’s it from my side - Over and out!