Ritz Carlton Hotel , Berlin, Potsdamer Platz
The cool (I admit also sometimes scary) thing about the web is that it does not forget anything. Going back into the archives the first digital footprint dates to 2nd of April 2001. The domain was registered December 2000. More than 17 years could be called an eternity in terms of internet timeframe.
While being concentrated on (black and white) landscape photography at that time, people/portrait and then architectural and commercial projects became more relevant over the years.
#faulandphotography #peterfauland #photographer #fotografie #fotograf #berlin
Today, one main part of the activity is the portrayal and documentation of the urban environment we all live in. I strongly believe that buildings hold part of the heart and soul of the architect in them and both influence the people who live in them as well as being influenced by their inhabitants. One way to get a deeper understanding of our society is to observe how our urban landscapes are changing over time - Cityscapes tell that story.
#architecture #cityscapes #realestate #interior #construction #documentation #architekturfotograf #stadtlandschaften #interieurfotograf
One of the classic genres of Photography is the portrayal of the human person While a business portrait has to present the business owner, CEO or (co-)worker in the best possible light and transport a 'positive message' about the company to the potential customer, on a personal level a portrait can be seen as the secret door with direct access to the inner self of that person. Whenever a portrait of such quality was captured, it makes the person 'immortal' in a certain sense.
#portrait #people #fasion #model #fashionweek #familyportrait #businessportrait #headshot #firmenportrait #corporate
Another big part of today's projects are productions for various long-term clients. 'You never have a second chance to leave a first impression' - Along that maxim, we always work out a fresh and modern visual language matching the message you want to transmit. Have a look in our Commissioned Works gallery to get an idea.
#commissioned #event #product #reproductiion #reprofotografie #businessfotograf #eventfotograf #werbefotograf #veranstaltungsfotograf #tagungsfotograf #kongressfotograf #messefotografie #imagebilder #socialmedia #influencer
1st of May 2010 was the official launch date of the 'Fauland Photography School' Website. I never understood Photographers (or artists in general) who feel threatened by fellow colleagues trying to learn techniques and get inspired. Getting to know the tools and techniques the Chef in my local favorite restaurant uses will never make me a Chef, take away any business of that restaurant or harm the reputation of that Chef in any way. On the opposite, I find it rather fulfilling to be able to share the knowledge I gathered over the last 20plus years and help whoever is that much into Photography as I am to achieve their personal goals.
#faulandphotoschool #workshops #coaching #excursions #learnphotography #masteringlight #fotokurs
Nobody really likes reading manuals. And while there are trillions of hours of videos on the web, learning the essential techniques face-to-face has a totally different quality. The high number of bookings of our various workshops and coachings proof that assumption to be true. From Beginner over Advanced to more Expert classes, our workshops are custom tailored to your personal level of expertise, your artistic goals and interest in specific fields of Photography. Feel free to check out the FAULAND Photography School website to get an overview of all workshops.
#workshop #kurs #lernen #fotoworkshop #anfänger #fortgeschritten #beginner #advanced #masterclass
The best time of the year to fully dive into Photography is when we are on vacation - No stress, no deadlines nobody to tell us what to do till when. So it comes as no surprise that visiting foreign countries, experiencing different lifestyles of 'locals' there is the best input to push your own Photography to a whole new level. We are constantly working on our Excursions Program and add new fascinating destinations all the time. Due to high demand, early booking might be a great idea.
#excursion #travel #explore #france #italy #spain #austria #improveyourskills #worldwide #theskyisthelimit