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Your camera - the unknown beast

‘A T M’ - the capturing modes

Light - and how your camera sees it

Timt to shoot - your usual subjects

Image composition - special motive vs. special moment


Course Content

Very small Groups

1 to 3 participants

duration 6 to 8 hours

image review (online)

follow-up advice and course material as. pdf included

345€ incl. Mwst.


Price & Infos

“Improve your skills - Exposure, Composition, Tips&Tricks”


Intensive Course

You are familiar with the basic techniques and features of your camera and want to do the next steps? We got you!

You have to know your camera inside out. See it as an extension of your eyes. We help you getting there.

A million menus and functions on your camera - Recall what you really need!

It looked ‘nice’ before pressing the shutter button - What you see on the display is ‘aaaah’?

Shoot like you would draw the scene - We get into this in all detail


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