L i b r a r y

Course Material

Can you learn to take good pictures? An interesting question. In my opinion, the question can be divided into two parts without going deeper into the discussion on the subject of 'artistic photography'. The safe and practiced handling of the camera - so to speak the technical component can be learned, improved and optimised without question. The eye for the 'special picture' can be trained and therefore 'practice makes perfect' applies here too, although different standards must certainly be set here depending on the talent of the photographer. In this small course, I would like to help you to understand (better) all the important functions and setting options of your camera so that you can intuitively and without much thought while knowing the necessary settings that will capture the desired image on the camera chip. It would be better to say, "a possible variant of the desired image". The widespread view that taking a photograph is like 'capturing reality' is simply wrong. In my opinion, the real meaning and purpose of photography is not to be found here either. The development of a motif and the skilful use of camera technology has only one goal: creating an image that captures my personal perception or my interpretation of the motif for posterity. In some cases, the most realistic representation possible (reportage photography), in other cases, the most abstract representation of a small image section will pursue the goal of puzzling the viewer. The picture is 'good' if I like it. If other viewers also like it, so much the better. How high I set my own standards and to what extent I take a self-critical look at my own recordings will undoubtedly be reflected in the quality of my own work.

Please download the complete manuscript

including all images here! (German)

Shooting Analog, classic film stock in the age of Digital Photography? Yes, that is possible. I recreated some of my favourite films by tuning all available parameters with in the FUJIFILM (GF)X-series cameras to mimic the ‘look & feel’ of Kodachrome 64, Agfa Scala and many more. Take my list of parameters as the starting point to find your own favourite film style looks:

Analog 2.0’ / Parameters

for FUJIFILM cameras

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