Change is good


Most people tend to stick to the ‘good, old and known’ - both in professional and personal life. I do not believe this is always the best thing to do. We all are getting into a kind of routine, a repetitive pattern that pretends to give some security and comfort. Yesterday was a ‘good day’, today is a ‘good day’ and tomorrow is also going to be a good one. If you really find yourself in this situation and you are happy with it - Fine, keep it that way.

I can only speak for myself, but in the recent 20 plus years, I had a ‘location change’ as I like to call it every five or six years (more or less). Was it stressful? Yes, always especially the act of moving itself. But in the end I was always rewarded by new impulses, new contacts, new projects, new ideas and ultimately new energy to reinvent my business and open it up to new potential.

Especially the last year was ‘a totally new and never before experience’ for me as for millions of people all over the world. ‘We are all connected’ is more true than ever. In every crisis there is also a chance. How should one run his/her business? Is one’s portfolio diverse enough? Am I able and willing to adapt to a changing market? And let’s be honest, the market (especially in the world of Photography in all its nuances) is changing at high speed already since a few years.

If I learned and experienced one thing in the past few month - some spare time because of not being able to work as before the pandemic is the perfect time to invest in oneself. ‘I will stopp learning the day I die, not one minute earlier’ that’s what my Grandmother told me as a young boy. She was more than right.

It takes some courage to kick one’s own behind… and that is the only thing that can not be outsourced. To-do lists, on- and offline are helping me constantly to keep track, to recalibrate and to self-control my efforts. And yes, I can say, I am proud of all my recent achievements. Is there still room for improvements? Oh yes, plenty ….

Along those lines, enjoy the rest of your Sunday (but maybe not only lazy on the sofa but also working on the next step). When? Right now, I would suggest - There’s no better time.

Stay tuned … And feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Peter Fauland

Photographer, Cinematographer, Coach, Art lover.

Super-Zooms for Fuji X. Tamron vs. Fujinon


Shoot what you love...